Student: Gurkirt S. Bains
Year in School: Senior
Plans After High School: Gurkirt plans to attend Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to major in Mechanical Engineering. He wants to utilize his skills to enhance complex mechanical systems and improve human life.
What #BulldogSTRONG Means to Gurkirt: "To me, being #BulldogSTRONG means striving to become the best version of yourself while making a positive impact on those around you. I believe that one should always strive to grow, whether it is a skill, a hobby, or as a person. One should always put in their best effort, do the right thing regardless if anyone knows or not, and help and respect everyone around them."
What Makes GVHS a Special Place for Gurkirt: "I am currently a member of the We The People. We the People is helping me develop my public speaking and research skills, as well as teaching me how to become a better American citizen. It is also a great opportunity to interact with my peers, forming new friendships and memories while growing together. I have been fortunate enough to have many opportunities to expand my knowledge and create memories which make my time in high school one of the best experiences."
"In my four years of high school, I have had the opportunity to be taught by many wonderful teachers. The most influential of these teachers include Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Bastain, Mrs. King, Mr. Hopkins, Mrs. Contois, and Mr. Druey. Mr. Hansen creates an engaging and informative classroom environment with his uplifting personality and humor. Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Druey both expanded my knowledge of engineering and mathematics, which are important aspects of my college and professional career aspirations. Mrs. Bastain, Mrs. King, and Mrs. Contois had a positive impact on my writing, reading, critical thinking, and analytical skills. The lessons taught by these teachers, as well as other staff members like Mr. Flores and Mrs. Costa, have helped shape me into the #BulldogSTRONG student I am today. I am honored and fortunate to have been taught by these incredible teachers at Golden Valley High School."
What Teachers and Staff Think of Gurkirt:
"Gurkit embodies all facets of GPS. In the classroom, he shows growth by always giving 100% and seeks to improve and is not afraid to ask for feedback. His pride is exhibited in his dedication to learning and that commitment has allowed him to become a leader in my classroom. He ensures his group stays on task, while also maintaining relationships with his peers. His service extends beyond the classroom, and he is a prime example of a peer supporter with a consistent positive attitude. He is a pleasure to teach every day." Madison Bealessio, English Teacher and Yearbook Adviser, Golden Valley High School
"Gurkirt has been a valuable asset to the library; he is the embodiment of hard work and dedication. Gurkirt is an exemplary student who is always willing to assist. He recognizes the importance of education and consistently strives to give his best. Although he aspires to become a Mechanical Engineer, I am confident that he will excel in any career he pursues." Manuel Sanchez, Teacher Librarian, Golden Valley High School
"I’ve really enjoyed having Gurkirt as a student this year. He excels in all aspects of my diesel mechanics class. Gurkirt always has a great attitude and works hard on the assignments as well as the engine projects. It is clear that he enjoys the class and wants to learn. On top of all this, he is well-liked by the rest of his classmates which shows his great character." Tim Collins, Ag/Diesel Mechanics Instructor, Kern High ROC
"Gurkirt Bains is an outstanding young man and a true example of what it means to be #BulldogSTRONG in the classroom, around campus, and in our community. Gurkirt demonstrates GROWTH as a learner by giving even more than 100% effort and thought on his course work as exemplified by his We the People summer work which was by far and away the best I have ever reviewed and graded in 15 years. Also, he demonstrates PRIDE by having nearly perfect attendance and participating in numerous clubs, programs, and activities on our Campus and in our Community. In terms of SERVICE Gurkirt excels by making positive contributions in class, helping his peers understand their coursework, and treating his classmates and instructors with kindness. Having Gurkirt in class has been both an honor and a privilege, and I know he will continue to make positive impacts beyond GVHS as well." John Hansen, Government/Economics Teacher and We The People Coach, Golden Valley High School
"Gurkirt Bains, my former math, engineering, and manufacturing student, epitomizes the values of GPS. He consistently gave his all, even in the face of adversity. He has a passion for history. He has a great sense of humor, super positive, and caring. Even though he is off campus for most of the morning, he still swings by daily to say hello. His will have a lasting positive impact on our academic community." Judiah Hopkins, Project Lead the Way/Engineering Teacher and eSports Coach, Golden Valley High School