Student: Perla Beltran
Plans After High School: Perla intends to pursue a career in the field of education, specifically focusing on Child Development. She is exploring educational opportunities at Bakersfield College as well as institutions in Mexico.
What #BulldogSTRONG Means to Perla: "#BulldogSTRONG represents being responsible, being kind and always trying to do things right."
What makes Perla #BulldogSTRONG?: Perla is an outgoing, intelligent, and energetic student. Despite moving to GVHS during the second semester of her freshman year, she quickly integrated into the school community. She joined the Valle Dorado Folklórico Dancing group and has taken on a leadership role. The following year, Perla successfully tried out for the Cross Country team. She consistently volunteers for various after-school parent activities, which highlights her commitment to the community. For these reasons and many others, Perla Beltran embodies the spirit of #BulldogStrong!
Perla has demonstrated significant GROWTH both academically and athletically. She is involved in Cross Country, Swimming, Track and Field, and Folklorico, among other activities. Perla manages her time effectively and dedicates herself to serving the community. She is a leader among her peers, unafraid to ask questions or try new things.