Truancy » Saturday School

Saturday School

What: Saturday School is an excellent opportunity to help students catch up both academically and in regards to truancy. One day of Saturday School can clear a full day of absences (not including academic absences or suspensions).


Who: All Golden Valley Students.


Where: Golden Valley’s campus.


When: See attached flyer.



Additional Information:

If your student does not have a teacher who is hosting Saturday School, Saturday morning please come to Mrs. Webb’s office in the Administration Building and she will provide a list of available teachers.

Snacks are provided from the cafeteria before school.

Students must bring a signed permission slip to the hosting teacher.

It would be helpful to email your teachers the week before and ask for any work that could be made up during Saturday School.

  • Dates are subject to change based on the number of students who sign up. Call the school the Friday before for confirmation.


Contact: For Golden Valley related questions, please contact Jennifer Webb, Dean of Administration and Instruction.